Historical Documents Co.: Antiqued Parchment Replicas That Look and Feel Old
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Colonial Times and Revolutionary War

"The History of the American Revolution" Book
Short book desrcibing the events leading up to and throughout the Revolution.
Articles of Capitulation 1781
Complete reproduction of the Articles, and includes an illustration of Moore House as well as Cornwallis's signature.
Articles of Confederation 1778
This 1-page reproduction features all the original signatures as well explanatory remarks.
Battle of Bunker Hill 1775
Beautiful recreation of one of the Revolutionary War's most famous battles.
Betsy Ross and the Flag
Illustration of Betsy Ross sewing the flag while sitting with George Washington. Explanatory text included.
Bill of Rights 1789
The Bill of Rights of the United States as it originally appeared.
Boston Tea Party 1773
Pictorial and story about the Event.
British Army Recruiting Poster 1777
A British recruiting poster appealing to the men of Pennsylvania to join British forces in late 1777.
British Navy Recruiting Poster 1777
Poster meant to appeal to young Loyalists to join the British Navy.
Captain John Smith's Map of Virginia 1612
Considered one of the most important printed maps of early America.
Captain Turnbull
A reproduction of Turnbull's 1769 Proclamation, accurate and complete.
Colonial Banknotes Set A
Seven antiqued reproductions of Colonial banknotes.
Colonial Banknotes Set B
Seven antiqued reproductions of Colonial banknotes.
Committee for Tarring and Feathering 1773
A letter to the Delaware Pilots from the Committee for Tarring and Feathering, dated December 7, 1773.
Concessions and Agreements of New Jersey 1676
Includes portions of the original documents as well as signatures and typed excerpts.
Constitution of New Jersey 1776
New Jersey's first constitution reproduced on antiqued parchment and in the original handwriting.
Constitution of the United States 1787
The Constitution of the United States on one sheet for easy framing and display.
Curious Punishments of the Colonial Era
Featuring detailed illustrations and explanatory text on antiqued parchment.
Declaration of Independence 1776
An exact replica of the original Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.
Deed for Manhattan and Long Island 1645-1649
An interesting insight into New York City history, now one of the most populated and valuable pieces of real estate in the world.
Definitive Treaty Between Great Britain and the United States
Often referred to as the Paris Peace Treaty of 1783, this reproduction on antiqued parchment features the dates and complete text.
Dunlap Declaration
Authentic replica of the first printed version of the Declaration of Independence known as the "Dunlap Broadside."
Early American Whaling 1664-1865
Fascinating pictorial on antiqued parchment.
Ethan Allen Letter, May 12, 1775
Allen's words are presented here in his handwriting, followed by a typed transcription.
Fare of the Tavern
Presented on antiqued parchment in the language of the day, a great conversation piece.
First Settlers of Jamestown 1607
Features a complete list of the first Jamestown residents and their occupations.
General Washington's Plan of Operations
General George Washington's plans against the King's troops from December 16, 1776 to January 3, 1777.
Howe Proclamation
The complete text of the Proclamation appears in this reproduction.
Instructions for the Virginia Colony 1606
These were the instruction given by the Virginia Company of London to the first settlers at Jamestown in November 1606.
Jefferson's Rough Draft of the Declaration of Independence
In the author's handwriting, offers wonderful insight into one of America's most important texts.
Key to Independence Hall
Now you can have your very own Key to Independence Hall in Philadelphia!
Landing of the Pilgrims 1620
Pictorial tells the story of the historic Mayflower landing at Cape Cod.
List of Mayflower Passengers and Crew
A complete list on two pages in Governor Bradford's handwriting.
Lotteries in Colonial Days
Published in Philadelphia in 1752, this document provides a history of lotteries.
Mayflower Compact 1620
Short and simple, the Mayflower Compact of 1620 set the standard for early written law in the American Colonies.
Midnight Ride of Paul Revere 1775
Artwork and article describe this historic American event.
Ordinance of 1787
The Northwest Ordinance was created to govern the admission of the territory northwest of Ohio into the Union.
Patrick Henry's Speech 1775
"Give me liberty or give me death!"
Revolutionary War Battlefield Map 1775-1781
This map marks and explains 61 separate Revolutionary War battles, in chronological order.
Revolutionary War Recruiting Broadside 1776
Recreated in accurate detail on antiqued parchment, featuring the signatures on the original Broadside.
Rules of the Tavern
Features such comedic guidelines as, "No more than five to sleep in one bed."
Seals of the American Colonies 1606-1794
The Seals of the American Colonies are illustrated in this 1-page document on antiqued parchment.
Signing of the Declaration of Independence 1776
Reveals interesting facts about this historic American event and features illustrations.
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown 1781
Cornwallis's written surrender is reproduced in accurate detail, in the General's handwriting.
The Ringing of the Liberty Bell
The Declaration of Independence was final and the Liberty Bell was about to be rung.
Three Expeditions of the Mayflower
Maps and explanatory text show three separate expeditions of the Mayflower.
Traveling Advertisements 1753-1771
This document compiles four stage wagon advertisements dating from 1753 to 1771.
Victualling & Lodging
"Hotch-potch…6d." Presented on antiqued parchment in the language of the day, a great conversation piece.
Virginia Declaration of Rights by George Mason 1776
"That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights…"
Virginia Resolution for Independence 1776
In the original handwriting and features the originals signatures.
Weapons of the American Revolution
From sabers to cannons, this document offers illustrations, names and explanations of weapons used during the Revolutionary War.
William Penn Deed to Pennsylvania 1681
Reveals the complete text of his majesty's grant to Penn.